Hyak Financial often receives inquiries for loans that do not qualify for traditional financing.  The transactions do not fit “in the box” for a variety of reasons.  These transactions are often sound investments. Private Money Loans, also referred to as “hard money” or “bridge financing”, are funded by private investors.  The funds are used in situations where traditional bank loans are not feasible, including:

  • Timing – Banks can take too long making a decision or an opportunity comes with no time for a standard application.
  • Financial Crisis – Emergencies come up.  Asset rich and cash poor? Private money can be the solution.
  • Collateral Type, Credit Score and Cash Flow – Banks are limited in their lending practices.  A transaction may still make sense even though it does not fit into standard underwriting guidelines. Plus, private investor will yield a higher interest rate on an investment than a bank!

What do the private money transactions look like?

  • Property Type: All types
  • Loan amount: $25,000 to $10,000,000
  • Loan-to-Value (LTV): Usually less than 60%
  • Term: Varies, usually interest only 1-3 years, but also based on investor preference.
  • Interest Rate: 8-14% dependent on risk

Private money transactions vary widely. Each has its own set of unique circumstances that create the investment opportunity. If you are interested, please complete the form below.

Private Money Investor Interest Form

Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly to discuss your interest in investing in private money deals. ALL DETAILS ARE CONFIDENTIAL.

  • Private Money Scenario Interest

  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 25000.
    The smallest deal you would consider investing in ($25,000 minimum)
  • The largest deal you would consider investing in.
  • Please note any preferences you may have for investing in private money transactions.